7 May 2007


Front Page

Death - true or fiction?

Life after death in periods




Motives of death in art



Death - true or fiction


In the last time people are more interesting in inmaterial part of the World. People think that they be albe to theirs nearest, who left his World earier and can they leave in different pleaces without sufer and pain. After peroid when people dint  talk about that, it has started disscusion about death and its succession. This subjest don’t interesting only as. In the past, Egiptions had reach mind about life after dead. That why they mumificated that people and build monuments phyramyds which are one of seven miricals of the World. In Christian Europe when society believe in God so hard that they subordinated him all of their life of reach a saliation. Some people think that death and interest it is aneffect of people trategy, wars or cataslism that you can about in posibility to happy life on eart. So that why people run to religion which told about never ending happinest and lack sufer on differend worlds. Is live after death in almost all cultures or is it only human things, can we exemplice it. There are people who think that relacion people who lived clinical death are very strong exibit. Massmedia show views which people who live his stadium. They told that they saw screens of their life, their familly, strong light and Jezus. Sciencists told that their visisions are deep-rothed in our minds saw that’s why we can seen it at the moment when our life stopped.

Different things that we can stay is life people called media. There are people who meditaion between live World and that World. Medium can have a visions. During it soul of his amazing person leave that body and it is substited by spirit of that people which use medium to comunication. People things that one spirit sapek mounth of medium or use medium hands to write a message. Scientists are sceptic about mediums. Spiritual trance is a different kind of hipnose for them. During take part in this seance. Thats why medium can create different personalisty which is very realistic for other people.

Lettered can’t agree ones thing. People who are accesory to spiritualist seance, because they want probate identify at spirit, they ask medium about his experience at the life, which know only familly and friends. In this chance spirit anwser true. Be due to question- how can medium knew this. For a lot of people one logic excuse is deade’s World. Spirituals experience can be next proof, taht life after death exist. It is special kind experiences, which can confuse not one „sceptic”. In the time when person carry back from that he rise above body and he watch at present and even he see onself. This experience is always very hard and conuincing, because person be subordinate fell emotion that he has different and independent from body individuality.

Spirituals experience appear often because after difficult situacions, for example anaesthesia or heart injury. Look out, that if spirit can leave alabody for example during repair, he can exist aself. Parapsychology ascribe this phenomeon perception extrasensory, this mean compund process psychic-mental, which proceeding on leavel.

Selective receipt impulses and informations which are depend on experiences entity. Human can being realy for distance message on intepend chanels from traditional sense organ.

Appartitions and predictable include to experiences to look for argument on exist life after death. A lot of people think that they saw spirit figure, which often stend in fog, which has blurry contur and it disappear after this short moment. According to stereotype, apparitions appear in old and empty house, castles and cementary. But this isn't true, because spirits often areseen in completely usual pleaces like modern flats, gardens or parks. Why spirits will be arrival to alieve? One theory is telling, that dead want commit secretive message and this is cause meets. And when will you see appartition, it will be your relative or friend. Is this coincidence, realists don't give up. Look out that person which saw apparition was connection. Strong emocions or he was intoxicanting or dead dreamed after arousal and this person can't differentiate dream to reality. He isn't difficult come to application, that each argument, which I depicted, has alike your supporter and adversary. Everything depends on believe, religion or mannar watch for life that I can't anwser the question that life after death is true or fiction. Propably we will knew after owr death.