7 May 2007


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Death - true or fiction?

Life after death in periods




Motives of death in art




  Interview with priest Ireneusz Rachwalski


What’s next: What does life after death look like according to the Catholic Church?

I.R.: After death only the body dies, while the soul leaves this world to face the God and contess.


What’s next: Can a non-believer get salvation?

I.R.: It is possible if this man was admitted to Christian community through baptism and separated from the Catholic Church, however he became a convert on the death bed. An example of a man who desperately needed God in the last moment of his life is presented in the New Testament. It is a villain dying on his cross next to Jesus. Thanks to his remorse Jesus said, „You will be in Paradise with me today”.


What’s next: So, what happens to people who worship other religions and were not baptised?

I.R.: In such cases rules of a given community need to be well studied in contection with  death, life after death-doctrine of faith.


What’s next: What happens to newborn babies who died after birth and were not baptised?

I.R.: God, of course, does not deprive those children of a chance for salvation. There is an abyss where those little souls can be by their Father’s side.


What’s next: What is a purgatory?

I.R.: A purgatory is a state in which souls atone for their sins committed during their lifetime on Earth. That is why the Church prays for the purgatory souls. Everybody goes through this state, even those who become saints, as there is no perfectly pure soul. The length of purgatory suffering depends on the amount of bad deeds, thoughts and attitudes.


What’s next: What are the ways to shorten the purgatory suffering?

I.R.: Well, definitely, trough praying, masses on behalf of the deceased and taking communion.


What’s next: Can the lack of decent interment be the obstacle to get salvation?

I.R.: A wise priest has a constant ritual of performing a funeral. Especially, he prays for people who are far from God. As far as catastrophes are concerned during which it is impossible to find all the deceased, it is enough just to remember and pray.


What’s next: For what sins can one find himself in hell?

I.R.: For the sins against The Holy Spirit and serious sins which were not revealed during the confession.


What’s next: What are the sins committed against The Holy Spirit?

I.R.: Being doubtful about God’s mercy-constantly existing in the hopelessnes of life. Excessive trust that God will not indulge sins in which one exists.


What’s next: Is it possible to get the priest’s absolution having committed a mortal sin?

I.R.: For every sin one can get absolution if a sinner expresses regret for the committed act and decides to improve themselves.


What’s next: However, there are priests who do not give absolution even if all the above conditions are fulfilled. What to do then?

I.R.: Confess to another priest. Confessor’s role is not to judge or condemn. A priest can only show the right way to the adherents, preserving the secret of confession at the same time.


What’s next: Is it possible that allowing a part of our body to be transplanted can be an obstacle on our way to salvation?

I.R.: The Church accepts transplantation of a human organs. It is saving human’s health or even life, therefore it is taken as a good deed.


What’s next: What is the rites of the sickened?

I.R.: The rites of the sickened is a sacrament which is given to people in a serious condition, e.g. terminally ill. Its aim is to strengthen the patient emotionally in experiencing suffering. It often causes coming back to health. It can be performed many times but with moderation.


What’s next: Does the Catholic Church believe in ghosts? If so, in what form are they sent down to Earth?

I.R.: Yes, the ghosts, or souls of the death, to be more exact, often help. However, there are also bad souls which are invoked during séance. They can evoke possession and the help of an exorcist is necessary then.


What’s next: What kind of a man can become an exorcist?

I.R.: Usually a priest who goes through a special training becomes an exorcist. During this training it turns out who has got the abilities to get out the bad souls and who has not. A secular person can also become an exorcist. However, he does not have the power of a priest, since he was not given the sacrament of priesthood.


What’s next: Thank you for the interview.


Interview with atheist Piotr Plewa

1. Do you believe in life after death?

 No, I don’t. I tkink that people after death drob in cartain state compare to sleep.


2. If you think that life after death doesen’t exist, what come after death?

I don’t know. Ones think that there are paradise, heaven. Someone believe in reincarnation. Other people don’t know what is after death and they don’t interest this.


3. Come after nonetity? Do everything curable complitly damage?



4. A lot of scientists and experts in sphere psychology are convicition that life after death exist. In the World about 13 mln people certified something in kind themself death. Do you not conviction?

I think that is total nonsense and often nathing meaning gibber.


5. If you think that after life are nothing. What is your sense life? A lot of people court admonish law in life, work mind, because they want attain something better? What do you think about it?

 -I think that work over my soul mind is absolute view and I don’t think that people in my age think that. A lot of people go to church, because they must, but they don’t have to any lead. I like words „live that, taht other people don’t forget you”


6. Are you ready for death?

I think that you may get ready on death if you  are mortally ill. In different chance we don’t know when death will come, but I think that is good for as, because we couldn’t be happy, when we know when come death.


7. Are sou frighten by death and this what will be when this death come?

-No, I don’t. I don’t think about it. Death come in good time and it is indispensable.


8.Do sou think that people should draw benefis from each moment of life and we shouldn’t direct on effect?

- Draw benefis from life- yes the most, but we must know where is reach. Effect of yours action you always must suffer and you must count with its